Alice in Wonderland, originally titled Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, was written by Lewis Carroll, a pen name for Charles Lutwidge Dodgson in 1865. This fantastical story depicts Alice, a young girl, who falls down a rabbit hole and lands in a whole other world. She meets many characters, including the famous Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts.
Alice in Wonderland Tickets: Perfect for Broadway
Those with Alice in Wonderland tickets to the Broadway musical are in for a surprise, as the original story is left behind for a new interpretation. This Alice falls into a fantasy world as well, but she is older, and there is romance in her future in this interpretation!
In this production, Alice is a mom who feels her life is out of control and chaotic, and she goes on a quest in search of a happier time. In this version, through the looking glass takes her under the streets of New York City.
Those with Alice in Wonderland tickets will recognize many of the characters she'll meet, including the Queen of Hearts, the Caterpillar and the Mad Hatter and her army but will also meet new ones, such as the White Knight, Chloe and El Gato's Party Cats.
This Alice in Wonderland is still a fantastical voyage that is filled with the humorous nonsense of the original, but has been updated in a fresh and contemporary way that will keep audiences riveted throughout the performance.
Who Should See It?
Alice in Wonderland tickets are perfect for the whole family, although older kids will likely appreciate the more adult storyline better than younger ones. However, the amazing choreography and songs along with dazzling scenery will keep everyone entertained and will entice many back for an encore show.
What the Critics Say
Critics hail the performance, citing Marguerite Derricks' choreography as an important piece of Alice in Wonderland's success. She was recently nominated for the 2011 Astair Award for her choreography in this production and has won three previous Emmy Awards for choreography as well.
Frank Wildhorn, known for creating Jekyll & Hyde, created the score, and critics with Alice in Wonderland tickets understand why it continues to sell out.
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Alice in Wonderland tickets are available at The Marquis Theater in New York City, its Broadway home for the duration of its time in New York. The Marquis Theater is located between 45th and 46th Streets on Broadway.
The preview shows that took place in Tampa, Florida to sold out audiences, making it a smash hit before it ever reached the hallowed grounds of Broadway!